What is Mechanical Engineering?

A mechanical engineer designs the tools and processes used for satisfying the needs of society through a combination of material, human, and economic resources. She might work on electric generators, internal combustion engines, steam and gas turbines, and other power-generating machines. She might also develop machines such as refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, power tools, and other power-using machines.
What Do Mechanical Engineers Do?
The diverse mechanical engineering field can be divided in a variety of ways in terms of job functions. Some of the most common functions relate to these areas of technology, but not all do. Among these fields are:
Product Design — developing products ranging from biomedical devices to gasoline-powered engines. A mechanical engineer designs anything that uses mechanical motion.
Research and Development — discovering new solutions to human needs or improving older methods.
Manufacturing — developing the machines that process materials into products. Designing and building machines and systems of machines that improve operating efficiency is of prime importance.
Systems management — overseeing operations of a large system, such as a power plant, as well as supervising the people who work there.
Energy — planning how energy is generated, stored, and moved. Industries that produce and deliver electrical power, such as natural gas, oil and alternative energy, employ mechanical engineers to develop more fuel-efficient cars, motors, and appliances.
Marketing — determining the need for a new or modified product, and calculating product availability, market size, cost structure, profitability, specifications, and distribution channels.

Mechanical engineers are constantly being asked to make decisions. The size, shape, and material of every part of every mechanical product created must be decided by a mechanical engineer. They also have to determine the best and most efficient ways to manufacture the products. Often those decisions are made in conjunction with other types of engineers. Some of the decisions they make can mean the difference between life and death: the safety features of automobiles, for example, are the responsibility of mechanical engineers.
~Vipin Kumar Rohila